WTB: Work VS-XX 18" or comparable

I am looking for some Work vs-xx 18" x 9", 10" or 11" with good offset.

Or if you have some other good look wheels you think I may be interested in pm me.

If they come with good rubber thats even better but not required.


vs-xx’s are so hot gl

Yes they are! Its been hard to find someone who will part with a set that has good offsets.

Did you check memoryfab.com? They may not have the works in the offsets you want, but they might have something else you’re looking for

riworx has 17x10 stitch meshies, if you can convince him to sell

memoryfab.com has vs-xxs

Good site, never knew that existed. im looking for a more aggresive offset than anything they have in the vs-xx’s
If I dont find vs-xx I might go for these if she ever replies, http://zilvia.net/f/wheels-tires/333664-volk-challenge-18x9-15-18x10-23-5x114-3-gold-w-polished-lip.html