Looking for preferably 17"s. no smaller. Maybe 18"s.
Lower the offset the better.
Would like some used beat up MB Battles if there is anyone tired of them. lol. Just can’t afford a brand new set with tires from Samson.
PM me your offers!
Also have the below up for trade. not really for sale since I wouldn’t have anything else to roll on. don’t have any close up pics. I’ll get the specs if anyone is seriously interested.

Just want to see what’s out there. Thanks.
i haVE some 17’s 9 in the back 8 in the front +30 decent rubber rears have camber ware
Thanks but not exactly what I’m looking for. Your VXs are sweet but not enough $$.
CSK, PM me some pics!!thx.
Anyone have anything else to offer. Comon I’ve seen you guys with sets of MBs. lol.
i know it.s a shit pic but if you likt them ill get more

^^ Thanks man. how much? Are these the ones for sale few weeks ago? the staggered set.
Any other offers? ALMOST exclusively looking for MB’s. You guys have em, I want em. lol
ill trade or best offer i dont care just need them gone they came on my car not sure if they were previously fs
I got a set of MBs with tires now!