anybody have a slim ps2 they are looking to sell or really kinda trade. I have a normal PS2 but i am looking for the SLIM style for certain reasons. I am willing to do some sort of trade with my PS2 now and also posibly drop some $$$.

i know of someone that has one right now and is looking to sell…but he is being as ass…LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

so if anybody has one and wants to figure out some sort of trade or what not just lemme know…

id trade ya mine, but i have the chip, u lookin to sell urs???

i got a slim 1 i might be willing to sell, with a mem card and controler

both of you have pm’s

bump for the morning peeps…

i :heart: the skunk

thanks chris…lol

what about the one you were selling for your friend earlier this year

he ended up selling that…ass

lol…should jumped on that when i had the chance


aight…well if nobody has anything i’ll prob just go buy one from eb or some shit…and just trade mine in towards the purchase of the new one…

thanks though

go to the flea market or just look on ebay, theyre cheap on ebay

i can get one for $100 brand new by trading in my PS2 i ahve now…

Should have…ass!!!

oh shut it :slight_smile:

if this is for your car i am going to shit in your cereal.


sorry i couldn’t contain myself

i don’t think its for his car…its for display in his room because he doesnt even play the one he has now

^^ that is a lie…i play it…sometimes. :stuck_out_tongue:

and stupid newman…it’s NOT for my car…so take ur machine gun shirt and ur weird looking mittens and shut it

my mittens are toasty and nice. and ADORABLE. ha!