WTB:xbox 360 or ps3

My cousins looking for either and I figured some people on here are trying to get rid of theirs. He said he’d prefer one that has the receipt and is still under warranty, or if its a 360 ,one that has had the red ring problem fixed.20 gb 360’s are fine and 40gb ps3’s

Let me know if anyones got anything.



well he should think about a elite :D, 2Year warranty and he can have anygame of his choice on the list for 450$ + 2year unlimited warranty


i have a 360 i got for xmas and havent really played

2 wireless controllers
Halo 3
MLB 2k8


i’ll sell mine when i get it back, getting fixed for rrod right now.

i have a used elite at my work for 349.99

alright let me know.

where do you work?

ttt hes still looking

i’ll have mine back tomorrow, how much is he looking to spend?

pm me what you have for it and ill let you know how much hes lookin to spend.

looking for ps3’s as well.

ttt lookin to pick something up this friday.

i’ll let you know tomorrow, i’m still deciding whether i want to keep mine or not.

sounds good man lmk

ps3 >*