WTB: Zenki (pignose) lip

I know it’s a long shot but I want to buy an 89-90 pignose lip.

PM me if you have one to sell!

like the bumper that is in your signature?


I still have the white one…

no he is looking for one off the black bumer you have.

i have my blue one off of my smashed front end. its cracked on both sides where it bends around though, you can have it for like 5 bucks :roll:

Pics of the cracks?

i could get some maybe tommorw, its cracked on both sides almost all the way up though.

Aww gay. It’s urethane right?

Anyone know if it’s fixable?

Yes it is fixable.

PM me and i will show you how. Pretty cheap too.

Trav, I guess I’ll take it then. You’ve got a PM.

So do you Rob.

soldering iron behind the cracks :slight_smile:

Buy a Product called Plastic Weld from a place like Carlson’s Auto Body.

You have to cut some away (make a V where the crack is) and them add the material and flash it with a nice spray.

Really easy.

Bump still looking.

Bump, my thread was here before Daves so I’ve got dibs!


Hahaha. If one turns up, we fight for it to the death.

Dear good look what i started.

When I’m in court for assault with a deadly Zenki lip, I’ll blame you Flavio.

what do these lips look like? why are they so desierable??

Look at Flavio’s sig. Or in the track day pic thread there is a pic of Robs car with one on.

It’s desireable because it is a factory urethane lip. Low key but still looks good.

Still looking.
