WTBorrow a chain rivet tool?

I have a new chain for the bike.

the angle grinder removed the old one nicely, but i feel
it may nor be the best tool for the new chain.

where can I get once cheap, or borrow one?

any thoughts?

No master link?

master or half link

i’d rather not put a master link in it as it is for my motorcycle.

Understandable, but I just always kept a spare one in my tool kit. Never needed it though.

So, uh, yeah. I don’t have the tool.

You can buy it but its sorta pricey for a one time use…I brought my bike with chain on it ready to go over to Berts on Southwestern across from ECC south and the guy there (whos actually on the board) did it for me while it was outside on the back of the truck. Just call em up…I heard of poeple using a C-clamp and a ball bearing and even a hammer to mushroom it out but thats ghetto

I bought a tool online - I think I paid like $30. I really can’t remember how much or where I got it. It’s the way to go though just buy the tool.