WTBorrow: Anyone have a CD player lying around?

I was wondering if anyone had a extra single din or double din CD player/radio lying around that they would be willing to lend. I need to borrow something for 2 weeks. I wont be getting a deck until then and now the car has no beats and it sucks.

I dont care what condition its in as long as it plays cds/burns. Thanks

Got an old alpine, will play cds but not mp3 cds, no pre-out for subs


i have an old kenwood if he falls through.

this is probably in the wrong section btw…

i have a jvc with remote $35 bucks and its yours

I should have numerous ones in the garage and I am home… however I dont even have an idea of what cars they came out of. Probably a Jeep and a Alero… no idea. Pm me if you want one.