WTBorrow: Laptop, 1 day for Data Logging

ok, i know this has been tried before by several people with little success, but i figured it couldnt hurt. anyway, i need to do some datalogging, preferably today, doesnt need to be a spectacular laptop, just basic, as long as i can save my file to a disk, i am happy.

i dont want to buy one, because this is the first and last time i will ever need to use one plus i dont have the cash at the moment…

im sure i can come up with something for collateral or something…i can be trusted, and many can vouch for me. kinda in a bind here and need to get this done…

so, if you got one, PM me please and we can work out some kind of deal.


what do you need in the laptop in terms of specs?

you are hooking it up to your car… so what kind of interface will it be interacting…?

I am using an SCT X-Calibrator 2 to plug into the car, and laptop via usb. …i basically have to load the software on (dont know the exact software…whatever SCT provided)…go through a series of tests, save it to disk, and uninstall program. then just email the file to my tuner so he can make adjustments.

honestly this is all new to me, and i will be just following the directions i was given. everything looks amazingly simple… there was no pc spec requirements given, i know that much. shouldnt take me but a couple hours since i have to “baby step” it.

sure… 2.4ghz celeron 640mb sound kosher? PM me

as long as you don’t need a LAN port… if you want i can help you set up the software…

Had to get ILCisDEAD’s by 5 today and couldnt make it in time…anyone else got one i can use tonight??

stop by, ill loan you mine

and please leave the sct software installed, ill probably need it later

edit: and the laptop has a ethernet port, and a wireless card, so you should be good to go

510-3914 call it when your ready, ask for nick, ill have it with me, and i wont be far from my house

called…talked to alex? call me back please, he has my #. Thanks.

:tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup::tup: to HotRodKid for getting me out of a bind and letting me use his laptop, not ever meeting me before! Thank you again!!!

also :tup: to ILCisDEAD for making the effort to loan me his…time frame just didnt work out.


nyspeed… one big happy family lol

not a prob man

and a big thanks for the 16mb sd memory card, i was able to use it to update my firmware, and now my camera can actualy use the 2gb memory card i have. otherwise i wouldnt have had a camera for winged warriors this weekend

We have to help our own out.