WTBorrow/Possibly Buy: set of front 300zx 4 Piston Calipers

looking for exactly what the title states. not sure if anyone has these, but I figured I would ask anyways. please pm me if you have a set lying around.

anybody? I just need to borrow them for a test fit …

What are you trying to test fit? Maybe ask some of the 300zx guys if they have whatever you’re trying to do, or know people that have done whatever you are trying to do

I guarantee they haven’t. I think I’m just going to just buy a set from advance for $200 and test fit them. That way if they fit or can be modified to fit my vehicle, I’m set.

anything can be made to fit… try ebay they are all over

what kind of car? they will fit most nissans, with the dust shield ground down. I have a set of r34 calipers if you want