would like to borrow a V1 or a Passport, i can give my Wii with 2 remotes and like 30 games for colateral.
how long you need it for?
i need one next month from april 12-21 1 week and 2 days, im takin a lil trip to florida
If you can’t get ahold of one, you can always check out my radar detector rental service:
I’m sure I could swing you a discount
you can borrow my passport if you want
or if that doesnt work i have a V1 (latest and greatest)… wouldnt mind trying out the wii lol
yea i go on vacation april 12-21. let me kno if thoes dates are ok. thanks in advance.
Nope. I used to have one of their RD850’s and had nothing but problems with it. When I started the business and did some market research, I found very very few people interested in them, so I opted to invest in other detectors.