I need to supplement my income and am looking for a part-time job in the evening hours. I have experience in just about everything including retail and phone sales, waiter at some nice restaurants including Flying Tigers and the Brownstone Bistro, Bartending, Telecommunications and am currently a mechanic. Please don’t suggets Mcdonalds or something, I’m 29 years old and am looking for something a little more professional. Currently I work from 8am to 5pm and am looking for something that would fit into that schedule. If you know of or are offering a position let me know. Thanks
Wendy’s is more upscale than McDonalds
idk … what about wilson farms or tops lol
I was gonna try to keep this a secret, but Lasertron is hiring. I just filled out an app. yesterday. Sign out front says $9.50 is the starting pay.
but what are the hours. He needs after 5
I would assume they are after 5 PM. i was considering it myself, but I already have 3 jobs and am getting ready to go back to school.
They’re kinda flexible, but on the app it said there is going to be a rotating overnight shift that everyone has to do at some point (I forget if it was every week, or what though)