WTF. Ryan?

I am the best Ryan on that list.

and don’t forget 2x sureshot


which one isnt?


I’m feeling generous today, you can pick which one isn’t dirty. Ready go.

11 robs, hmmmm


6 - That are blue in some form. (1 of which is a tad on the lazy side, but used proper capitalizion)




Either Jacob or Joshua took the number one spot from Michael recently.


bullshit bullshit bullshit

There are not many Joshuas at all… there are not many Jacobs either

im calling bs on this entire thread… except that 2 sureshots is gay

so i’m only the only Ryan that thought newman was talking about me??? I did sell him my car so thats why i thought that and also my lack of posting lol


my name wasn’t on that list


Discrimination strikes again


except that 2 sureshots is gay


Wait…only 1 is gay…and it ain’t me…


11 Jason 291,769 1.5191

Hooray for me bitch.




And 6 of them are faggots.


Fuck you. Only 5.5