wtf....with pics;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NDgyNWN0BHNlYwNwcm9m/SIG=12fsstm0s/EXP=1170471619/**http%3A//

Thats no man, its a martian!

404 funneh

she want s to have a victory hug wit u man , thats your valentines day present j/k wow hit her wit a bat fer real

the fuck?

that poster is the shit

omg thats awsome!

this is the nerd speaking … i find the martian head to be extremely offensive. and yes i am a total bulldyke

you’re a dooooooood you pee standing up have a good weekend
harry potter - the wig

The one on the right, right?


Wig or not, that’s still some scary shit. I’d be moving out ASAP after something like that.


haha i know that girl behind the guy on the right


it looks like newman… just die the wig blond and put her infront of a lotus

you be the judge

rofl, I never realized Skunk is in the background with a big “WTF” on his face in that photo.