WTFH: With Graphic Card

i Have A ATI Radion All In Wonder Its Basically a ATI Radeon 9600 With Eatra Shit…Im running dual screens with it 2 (17") LCD’s And on screen will not display green good, its does but it comes out rele rele rele dark green, its something with the settings cuz i was messing with them and it would switch the setting to the other screen and it would just flip flop…any one might know what wrong…thanks! im also trying to use the video out (yellow rca cable) so i can put it on to my 61" wide screen tv but thats not working either… what do i have to turn on?


Wrong section. You fail.

Moved, post in the right section next time, and someone might actually help you sooner.

1st problem could be your monitor cable, second problem could be your settings on the card. You need to turn on the output.

3rd: Your keyboard seems to be malfunctioning, check the connections. If everything seems ok, PEBKAC.


ok, this seems stupid, but try each monitor one at a time. If they both work individually awesome, if not well sucks for you.

I’m going to assume you’re on XP
1.) Drivers…update them
2.)you should really be doing this through ATI’s catalyst control center, trust me its easier. Open that bitch up and start messing with things, without better info that’s all I can suggest.
3.) For the TV you will probably have to switch to it from the Catalyst Control Center, by default the RCA’s are not on.

Try it out, report back.





are the monitors both the same brand and model?

btw, reading that post gave me a headache

ive seen this problem before, its error code ID 10 T i believe…