WTS: JL Audio / Nakamichi Audio stuff

I have some JL Audio and Nakamichi audio stuff for sale

3 x 10" JL Audio W0 (125w rms each) in sealed enclosure

Price: 275$

Nakamichi PA-1002 Amplifier
Perfect for component system speakers
spec @ http://www.nakamichi.com/auto/amplifiers/pa_1002_specs.htm

Price: 275$

JL Audio VR650CSi Speakers
In perfect condition, Sound very good.
6.5" Speakers + Tweeter + Crossover
spec @ http://www.jlaudio.com/evolution/VR650CS.html

Price: 250$

All theses items are in very good condition, this sound system has not been abused.

Nakamichi amplifier has been bought in a sound shop in quebec city. I still have the bill with waranty.

If you want picture, PM me. They will be avalaible soon.



Amazing products!!
It is up there with audison!!!
Good stuff man!!