WTT: 06 sti tails for 05 sti tails

the title pretty much says it all

why the hell does newman want 05 tails?


they look better

WRX and RS tails work too. :slight_smile:

werd, then those too

I thought they were bigger…


Its all the same.

I kinda like the 06 lights now. The 07 are total shit though.

No, just faster.

If ricey = fast then you are correct.

Next thread: WTT: 06 sti front fascia for 05 sti front fascia

hahha wosniak you sack rider

Really the '06s aren’t that bad. The interior section is painted matte silver. The '07s are totally chrome - that equals ricey.

The '07 tails are different from '06’s??

lol or hes just banned :wink:

wow, banning has been getting outta control lately.

I meant the new ones are totally chrome.




heh… been gone 10 days…



or this…
