WTT - 450cc DSM Injectors for CA 370cc

Hey guys.

Anyone running a ca18det that wants some bigger injectors? I’ll trade a good set of (cleaned and tested) DSM 450 cc top feed low impedance injectors (blue tops) for your stock 370cc top feed low impedance injectors?

CA18DET guys only. SR and KA guys, you need resistor packs and/or custom rails for these. SR guys, I can’t use your injectors.

I don’t need that much fuel and would rather 370s for my project

May just be a dumb question but what about the injectors from a Pulsar with the CA16DE, or CA18DE. Would they work or are they smaller then you want?


mr200 contact Avery he might trade…

Cool I’ll probably see Avery tonight and I’ll ask him.

Nismo_Only - the Pulsar injectors are actually too small. But if you have FWD ca18de Pulsar parts, PM me, because I do need some engine parts from a FWD ca18de.

how much will u sell them for or are u only doing a trade? where did u get them cleaned and flow tested by the way?

I have a Pulsar with DET that I’m parting out.

Check your PM.

I don’t know where they were sent. I took them to my parts guy, he sent them out and they came back to him. I can find out though, I know they’re local, because turn around was quick.

If no one wants to trade, I’ll have to get whatever the going price on ca18det injectors is. If MMS wants to sell the injectors from his Pulsar, just give me whatever he’s asking and we can do a 3 way deal.

do u have a reciept or sumfin, just to verify that they were cleaned and flow tested?

Nope, no receipt. I had it done for a wink and a nod, so that’s hard to write down.

It’s pretty obvious they were cleaned, they look brand new.

I’ll guarantee them myself if you’re worried.