WTT for Cig Delivery

First Guy to bring me any brand of Class A Cigarettes at the Gleason building at RIT by Midnight gets one of the following prizes!(will provide ID at time of exchange, I am 18 and I have a NYS License)

1 pack - Verizon Palm Treo/Centro Car Charger(Paid $22 for it)
2 packs - Brushed Metal Dodge Zippo(06 edition for any collector’s interested, Paid $25 for it, needs a flint but is full of fuel)
3 packs - Both

and yes I know this is a silly and desperate attempt for some cigarettes but I don’t get paid till friday and I have two tests tomorrow

LMAO niceee!

btw post up if you plan to deliver so you don’t get here just as I am walking away with someone elses cigs


if you were closer i would def bring you a pack of smokes for the treo charger

gl dude, i know how studying without smoke is… shit sucks!

haha, nice

1 min much?

Having quit a few years back i must ask. What the hell is a class A cig?

I think he means like no shitty smokes like senecas and stuff like that

^^^Ahhh ok.

lol but :tup: for quiting i also quit ! but op if i lived closer id sure bring ya a pack school gets stressfull

hurray for quitting!

Actually no, Senecas are fine, Class A means it meets US quality standards, People who buy there cigs online straight from like the Czech Republic and that shit have non-Class A cigs, Class A is anything sold in the US

Extending Deadline btw, anytime before 2am will do it lol, call ahead (585-451-9849) All masked calls will be ignored, please don’t fuck with me, I have a very big knife and am suffering from nicotine withdrawal lol

LOL, maybe it is time to quit bro.

if i was still at rit id bring you a pack for sure haha. gl brotha

haha exams tomorrow, not to mention i’ll be taking misterms all throughout the next two weeks, there is a time and a place for everything, and week 4-6 of RIT winter semester is not the time or place to put down the coffin nails

Good point!

haha i hear you there man. gotta love the RIT method of madness. week 3 start preparing for midterms. midterms 4-6. week 7 prepare for finals . final projects and test 8-10. so glad i don’t have to go through that anymore after 5 years. def feel ur pain haha

>< and I still have 3, possibly 4 years left