I have a purple 94 Civic EX coupe automaitic 155k everything that is power works w/ typical honda rust . Right now it needs a radiator(it leaks a little), and an oxygen sensor. And the gas tank leaks when its more than half full. However, I plan on fixing that very soon. I really want to trade for a 92-95 civic 5-speed EX coupe. Will sale for the right price as is. email or pm me:
Got that off craigslist for $500 didn’t you?
ill buy the car from you if your interested
I will trade you my 5 speed plus $1000
converting to 5 speed is not hard. if you can change a gas tank you can convert a civic to 5 speed
[quote=“I Have an STD,post:6,topic:38540"”]
converting to 5 speed is not hard. if you can change a gas tank you can convert a civic to 5 speed
yea i was really considerings converting it anyway but didn’t know how hard it was.