I have a PSP system, its white, from japan
Games are
Loco Roco (japanese)
a racing game in japanese
Arcade games, (japanese)
NHL 2007
Madden 2007
the Godfather
007 from russia with love
Tony Hawk project 8
A couple RPG’s i never played
Pink DS Lite
Pokemon Diamond
wario ware if i can find it
maybe a couple GBA games if i can find em (turn based RPG’s i never played)
the rpg’s i got fro ma friend, and never played them as those arent really my type of game i geuss
I dont know if this is allowed on this forum, but i also have 2 WoW accounts for sale, level 30 on one account, no expansion, 2 levle 60s and a 61 expansion enabled on another account. If this isnt allowed, i will delete this from my post of a mod that sees it can.
Id like a trade for a good MP3 player or ipod, decent size
consoles like ps1, n64, snes.
Anything else you might think ill be interested in, seriosly throw ANYTHING out, i may not want it but you never know till you try.
Located in Edmonton (St. Albert) and CAN deliver as far away as sherwood park or fort saskatchewan.
I will also sell them strait up for cash if you would like to buy them. just throw out offers. i used to use them alot, but not so much anymore, so i figure someone else could.
Price for everything is 900 bucks obo. I DO NOT expect 900 bucks, not evne close. but i need to post a price, so if someone wants to buy it out i guess they can, but this is basically OBO pm me with offers or email me. psydo_ish@hotmail.com
Thanks alot