WTT/FS: S14 rear bumper

Like the title says I have a good condition S14 rear bumper that I would like to sell or trade. I’m interested in a radio trim or shift knob and shift boot or any interesting S14 (Kouki) pieces.
Let’s see what we can work out.

Location: Aurora
Contact: PM or DUTCH at ACI dot ON dot CA

Nobody needs an S14 rear bumper, I see a lot of S14s with rear damage first reasonable offer takes it.

i got a K’s s14

and im interested in ur rear bumper
is it with the lip? pm photos thx


colour ?

Bump, come on, somebody must need a rear bumper, replace your cracked POS.

need this gone, shoot me offer.




Buy It… No Reasonable Offer Refused…


No Reasonable Offer Refused, Can Deliver If Required.

Anybody needs it?

I still have this kicking around. No reasonable offer refused.

what colour, i’ll take it
