WTT - Ps3 for Xbox

I have 2 ps3s and would like to get another xbox. just checking maybe someone on here wants to trade. i have

40gb ps3
1 wireless controller
Cod 4
COD world at war
Midnight Club
Fight Night round 3

I have some options depending on what you have for trade the ps3 could come with no games or all games i have a extra HDMI cord stuff like that just let me know what you have and we could talk. o and if i like the xbox deal enought my other ps3 is a 60gb i just got so many difference options that i could do

oh oh sell me the ps3.

my friend will trade his today if you want

og xbox or 360?

360 1slowmini pm me with detials on his 360

pm sent

if anyone wants to do this send me a list of what they have and what they want like mt 60gb one or 40gb games no games stuff like that

i have a 20 gig 360 wireless controller, all the cables box, gta5, nhl08, and a few other games id trade.

Xbox 360 with wireless network adapter, Gears of War, Gears of War 2, COD4, NHL09 2 wireless controllers, headset, and 20gb hd if you’re still interested.

It has the modable CD Rom Drive

damnit…i would have been all over this before. i picked up a ps3 already though. this should be a good deal for someone.

yea i know i got a second ps3 for 100 $ so i dont need both of them with all i could put together a pack and sell it on ebay for close to 400 and buy my own xbox just dont really want to list and ship stuff like that

damn…where did you get a ps3 for that?

lol i got my first one for 175 then the 60gb for 100 lol i got connections and no there 110% no stolen

currently i am in flordia and wont be back for a week give or take i am going to think over the week im here on excatly what i want to do. its not 100% i want to get rid of this but its about 80% so i will deffently let those people know that i have already talked to about what i want to do .