
It’s fun.

It’s like Pictionary where a chatroom full of buffoons tries to guess what you’re drawing.

It’s even more fun to do shit like this: (the word is antenna)


It’s a slow day at work.


:lol: You’re such an asshole. :clap: :lol:



Game rules, rather fun in a large group.

So much fun fucking with people as well, as above.

is it a jackal? i think it’s a jackal. that’s definitely a jackal.

get a nyspeed game going

Note: Starting out with something that looks like a tree and slowly turning it into a penis is also entertaining.

i won’t post the screenshot cuz its NSFW



haha that’s great.

Kinda like inklink on shockwave

Wow, soooo oldschool.

All of your ideas are dated Zong, the old Capen 5 crew was rocking that shit 8 days a week… :tdown:

i’m gonna go vote in your DB thread now.