X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

def good times, r6 tonight?, or more GOW?

i say we decide tonight… see what more people want to play… i am down for either or.

lets try and get a good amount of people tonight

Don’t make me go buy R6

haha its such a fun game :slight_smile:

it really is. and i played it for 5 min. I can only imagine the multiplayer has got to be awesome.

i jsut wanna snipe the shit outta people :slight_smile:



MACOOOONNN go buy it !!!

yeah u seem to like sniping…damn u


damnit. i feel like playing now.

stupid me… being at stupid work :lol:

multi kicks ass, especially in terrorist hunt, those fuckers are a bitch.

damn. should be a good time. Will take some time for me to get used to since we have been playing GOW a lot

I’m around tonight, so count me in if we’re doing a little Terrorist Hunt… or straight multiplayer for that matter :smiley:


my andy is playing!!! <3

yeah def, im gunna play all day today so i can actually shoot somebody without running around firing at the sky aimlessly

HAHAHA… i need to practice my rainbow skills

so are we def. gonna do rainbow tonight?

or gears…

or maybe we can be daring and do both :eek:

im game for both, some of those maps on GOW are confusing as hell, especially the last ones we played, i gotta find where all the weapons are.

Damn I do n’t have GOW or R6

haha this is true.

i am down for both…

i want to hopefully have a good amount tonight.

so far it seems taht we have

5.87foxgay(mike) - he is a maybe it think
6.bladezgay(ken) - also a maybe
6.My friend mike is probably down.

who else?

jsut keep adding to the list

i’m down for either or, if i have to work tonight it’ll effect what time i get on, lol.

the terrorist hunt is pretty badass, put it on 40 of them and try to eliminate them all :slight_smile:

hahaha damn.

that sounds amazing. i say we do rainbow first… then gears.

seems like we will have a good amount.

im out of work at 5… then to the gym till about 6:30. i’ll be good to go from about 7:30 on.

but i am off to a meeting for the rest of the day so i wont check this till i get home

k…I lied.

I may be in a meeting…but ill be on my phone :slight_smile:


no playing till thats over :slight_smile: