X-box live gamertag thread**edited with list**

I’ve been playin Crackdown…my new “crack”


dont have time. i have a bunch of people visiting…plus everything is packed up cause im moving.


I would have boxed all the but the xbox and tv.

Im on right now mackin the ladies on R6 if anyone is around :gotme:

anyone for halo 2 around midnight?

Lets go lets go.


bitch, when u gunna be back online

^^^Did u get Crackdown?? If u wanna co-op lemmie know! I beat the game and lookin for stuff to do.

yeah i got it, i havnt played much cause its hard, either that or i dont know what the fuck im doing.


Yeah, in the begining…I pretty much just stayed away from the bad guys till I got 1-2 safe houses (on the tops of the buildings. They’re yellow-orange. Also, collect every green orb u see. THATS one of the biggest things to help u run quicker and jump higher. Then collect weapons. Take a weapon from a dead bad guy and go to ur safehouse, it’ll be available. OH, and watch the training vids. The more u kill, shoot, find orbs, the better your guy will be.
Oh, and I climbed the top of that huge building…it actualy feels like you’re on a rollercoaster when u jump off.

Lemmie know when you’ll be on again!

lol i only got 1 of those safehouses, god i suck.

shut it kev… lol

i’ll be back on sometime this week

wtf, every time i log in, i see all u faggors playin crackdown :rant:

what happened to our sweet r6 meets with like 10 speeders rippin it up :cry:


fuck crackdown

mike…you and i will bring r6 back…BOIII

ok im convinced crackdown sucks monkey balls, no more for me, too fucking confusing, time to play r6 again.

I agree Crackdown is the worst… No replay value…

Awww, man. Im usually one to give up on a game after I get killed the first couple tries…hmm.

Ok I havent played in like 2 days, whos on for 10pm tonight!??!

Hopefully I will be on tomorrow. I haven’t even looked at it in a week between school and travel for work.

If i dont go snowmobiling ill be on tonight, and ill def be on tomorrow night :tup: We’ll do some terrorist hunt Jay :tup: