

It says we are going to get some snow

better get teh chains out for your bicycle

no you wont youll be too busy inside eating!

I’ll be eating, but it won’t be salad and water :kekegay:

I will roll out with you. If it snows we can take the jeep.

Where are the pics?

just call me Satur. somtime to check the weather for sat night…it might snow they are saying…so right now its spotty…i can’t get stuck out in that crap…i’ll never get back

Thats how i almost totalled the s2k 1 night…i spun it about 5 times on the way home in a snow storm…scared the crap out of me

x2 hahaha

its still a toss up if im goin to come

will be in Baltimore Saturday night, awaiting a flight from BWI to Montego Bay in the morning… :hs:


he took them down because everyone wanted to hump his woman :idb:

I’ll eat enough wings in memory of Darkstar and BurnyPuse’

if its snowing ill be MIA

awd ftw n00bgina

First 100 at the bar is on me… get there early bitches.

I am so pumped for this party

gotta make sure and quote that woot this should be fun

<<DD ftL

ill be printing this page and have it with me… what time you getting there whitey?

how long till we
A) get kicked out
B) get Cut off from bar
C) Spangler eats all the food
D) Brian has a license plate frame around his head again
E)Chad Pisses himself

F) Guffey gets tossed
G) Someone asks me how tall I am