will be on september 25, 2005
If any of u guys could bring some pop, hamburgers, hot dogs, buns, cups, a grille, u know stuff like that.
Maybe someone can sticky and update a list of who’s bringing what so we don’t end up with 20 dozen cups. And try to say how much of what you’re bringing too.
Pop - Cheeks
Hamburgers - Jeff95TA (box of 24?)
Hot dogs - BlkP42E
Side dishes - Be_Rad (bbq bacon shrimp, polish mistakes) Eurodad (corn)
Buns - BlkP42E/Stroker
Cups - Cheeks
Paper.plastic Plates - Be_Rad (25)
Plasticware - Be_Rad (forks)
Ice - Jeff95TA/pewter (4 bags)
Coolers - Jeff95TA (2)
Trash bags - BlkP42E
The Porta-John incident went something like: laughter; grill kicked in, pulled off and thrown; swearing; uncomfortable silence…
why did you guys move it? Now we can’t make it again. We’ll be down in Deep Creek, MD all weekend… :sadwavey:
August 29, 2005, 6:55pm
Looks like your UP SHIT Creek this time :booty:
ill go even if gass is a million dollars
is this a pittspeed thing, or a SnS thing?
Sorry the king of the street thing is on the 18th of sept and alot of people will be there and whitey and a few other people will be at NOPI natinals or something so I changed it.
ill more than likely be there
i’ll kick sam’s ass there…
August 30, 2005, 5:48am
i’ll touch JeNn’s ass there!:kekegay:
aint that what u wanted to say u sick basturd
is this a kid/wife friendly event?