BBQ / Football / Bon Fire

I am pissed that we did not get to do our annual BBQ this year yet… It was just a busy summmer with Pinks and all the other normal stuff going on. Most of you don’t know, but the first pittspeed BBQ was actually held at JJ’s in Mt Pleasant. There was about 20 people, we cooked out and played some football then brian built a fire and we just kind of stood around and BS’d. This was great since it was like october.

Well I was wondering we could do this again. I think we might have out grown JJ’s lot, but maybe someone else has an area that would accomodate these activities. Or maybe they know someone that might. Please let me know as I would love to have a BBQ with everyone this year.

Some possible dates might be October 7 or October 21. Let me know what you guys think of this idea and if you have any idea where we could do this.

I would like to try to get as many people as possible… Invite Sektion 8, Street n Strip, Race PA, Crooked Euro’s and any other local Pittsburgh Car enthusiast groups!

sounds like a very killer idea!!!

killer idea!!!


beer+fire=the win
i am game

Oct 7 is the QSL night, but I would rather do this since I will be in that weekend.


sounds good

october 21 ftw

Im down.

Ya…i’l be there

im in too…I might know of a place as well…let me check on it and get back to everyone!

“down like a clown, charlie b…b…b…brown”

Yea count me in, I’ll bring the High Life.

Is Oakdale too far from everyone?? Because I could rent out a pavilion for really cheap, and we would have full use of the ballfield as well.

where is Oakdale??? Either way I’m there.

get on 22/30, 2nd exit. Its on the same road PTI is on, f you know where that is.

right down from jeffs 10 min away

no not at all

cool…im going to check to see if its available on the 7th or 21st of Oct. Should be though…not a lot of people rent it out. Oakdale is small.