High Life Light>HIgh Life:beer:
I was at the first and will most definatly make it out to this one. Keep us posted please
Can we make a fire? and have alcoholic beverages?
that’s a start to a very bad ending. :D:D:D
HIgh Life Light> High Life:beer:
I know alcohol is permitted, we always had kegs down there, I will check on the bonfire thing
I will try my hardest to show up this year. I have been posting for years and have only met a handful of people
and if alcohol and fire is involved, how can I pass it up?
yea ill be up for it
For those of u form the south hills and by bridgville…Oakdale is right off of route 50 in bridgville
I’m in no matter where it is.
when there is burgers to be burned… Jeff will be there!
your not dead yet?:hsdance:
your brother took my sister out on a date last night :doh: its 2000 all over agian :scared:
pic of sis?? does she live in the shire to?
rofl, i dont have any pics of her… dont need leg humpers… already heard enough from victor/hisbro and 50 other friends from 94 - till now. Like I need anymore comments about her.:greddy:
come on man, pics are good thing lol
I can see the fights happening now…
me vs. you? :dunno: