xbox elite slim 250gb


it’s mint and works perfect and the controller is In excellent condition too

craigslist champion of the world

what area of town are you lifting this stuff from this time. Must be convenient to fly your magic carpet to a second level window and pack up some craigslist goods

You jelly he can sell shit at reasonable prices and make money? haha

lame racist jokes MAD HILARIOUS

so if you’re not a fat jelly roll and want an xbox elite with a 250gb hard drive and wifi then u can come and get this now before it sells to a jelly roll

hey , jvg thanks for the neg rep saying “stop selling stolen shit”

listen i buy everything I sell and i either work on it and clean it up and sell it for a great price…

At least I sold the xbox for 150 and let them keep the xbox, unlike others who sell something , take it back and don’t refund the money.

get off my balls, dead serious


Haha almost as bad as the time he was selling a air hockey table for 500 and it was at sears for like 300.

Called him out and he negged me. Fucking homo.

hey hey hey!! GUYS! We can all learn a thing or 2 from JVG about selling stuff!

JVG a scammer???

Explains how he became so successful in the aftermarket industry


yeah and he’s a fucking asshole too and needs to get off my nuts fucking soon.

I haven’t done anything to this bitch ass ever, and its obvious he is just jelly as a roll.

That’s not my fault, sort your shit out and worry about why you started out trying to sell/scam car parts and then somehow transformed into a gardener.


good internet digging ass clown. I did not scam any one. I sold a turbo on my ebay store. Several weeks later this clown had an issue with it which was a whole load of bs and he made up that story. I had him send the turbo back. When I got it back it had been messed with and the center section was blown (woulnt even spin) It was cleaned up and oiled and then put with the new outer housings to look newish. However the serial number plate on the garrett i sent out didnt match the center section the clown sent back. Paypal dispute was filed and i proved with the serial number of the turbo I sold and the turbo this clown sent back were not the same. I also took the Turbo to a truck turbo place thats off of fuller road which i had to pay $25 to have inspected. They wrote up that the turbo was used, blown and not a new center section returned. Paypal sided with me as did the BBB. Yes I did not send him his blown turbo back. It through it in the scrap pile. Why the fuck am I going to waste more money sending him his blown turbo back cause his bullshit plan didnt work out.

Nice try and go fuck yourself.

Well… did you sell a T04E as a T04S?? That seems sketchy? Then stopped communication with the buy… that’s sketchy?? Isn’t this while you were getting your store going in the Kohl’s plaza? How long did that last again? Must be tough to keep a business afloat while the only people willing to pay your outrageous prices are your friends. Actually how is JVG Motorsports doing today? I can’t seem to find the website. And you’re going to continuously insult my friend for making a couple bucks? Cool brah

It sucks that good people like Kicklow and boxersix associate with you because you are a certified slug

I stopped communicating with him after the paypal case and BBB case was over. I had no reason to communicate with him any longer. That whole story he posted was fabricated BS. The facts when to paypal and the BBB. Paypal hardly ever rules in favor of the Seller even when they should thats how well I proved my case. All your reading is what he made up and or wanted to post. Its over and and done with. So go back to manning the counter at the pawn shop.

Yes, I will insult your friend based on how he has and treats some of my good friends. I think hes a fake person so when I can ruffle his feathers I will.

Haha, your attempt to belittle me has failed since I guarantee I make more money than you do picking your parents’ flowers. I will continue to ruffle your dumpy feathers as well.