man there was at least 200 people at this 1 spot tonight. I was pumped but then my girl made me leave and i missed alot of activity.
haha ur girl made u leave :wtf:
You know girls they get bored and they wanna go drive around instead. She was tired of standing around even though i was drooling at 7.5indeed’s car That thing is sheer beauty. I dunno who else from this site was there but other then ragtop someone else yelled suncawk lol. Yet i have no idea who it was. VW fans woulda been proud though tonight i swear i counted at least 12 in the lot.
heh, didnt miss much, cops raided it before I got there tonight… ppl were all over, I just came home because I gotta work at 9 am tomorow…
Hmmm maybe i have seen you around. What kinda car you got?
I know there was def. someone else from this site there. Cause whoever said it was like “SUNCAWK” real loud but i have no idea where it was said from. It was pandamonium tonight. Just swarms of people everywhere.
:gives: :1320:
No see i rather let her do what she wants i’m not whipped. Its called treating a girl to what she wants. Its not always about what i wanna do.
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