Year end / Christmas Bonus...

I just worked a Christmas party for Kellogg’s at the resturaunt I work for in Charlotte.
This was the breakdown of the party:
65 people
$2,360 flat rate for food(buffet), setup and room fee.
Open bar so all drinks are top shelf and I drink for free all night :snky:
Total for the Food and alcohol was $6,xxx.xx
20% gratuity was added
Total bill came to $7,xxx.xx
My tip before tip out: $1,2xx.xx split between myself and 2 coworkers.
Time at work: 6-10:25

This is only one of the parties that I worked this week. December and July/August are considered our bonus months. We get to work parties based upon our performance durring the 2 previous months. Those who are in the top 10 sales get to pick what parties/sections they want to work. Durring the slow season, we are all rotated through the sections in the restaurant to give everyone a chance at making money and increase your sales. If you do well previous to the two rushes, you will make BANK through the first of the year and during the summer. This system makes sure that we are all trying to outsell each other durring the slow seasons. While its not the most fair way to do it, you make more money based upon your performance.