Yes another one in the series

Coming this February to a theater near you.:fry:

Saw this a bit ago and that Michael Bay was involved. Could be interesting.

i thought he went to hell? what did i miss?

Its a remake of the original

The original killer was his mother.

looks pretty sweet

yeah, how are they going to do that while not fucking up the original plot line?

can’t wait to see it either way… as long as he isn’t in space again :stuck_out_tongue:

Wonder where they filmed it…

… I only ask, as I worked at the camp where they filmed the original.

where is it?

The camp I worked at? It’s called Camp No-Be-Bo-Sco (North Bergen Boy Scouts), outside of Blairstown, NJ (near the Delaware Water Gap).

To find out the force behind Jason was a little alien thing was such a let down

My uncle called me yesterday, I guess he’s been going to the premier & parties for this movie. he did the special effects on like 3 or so of the movies.

Apparently there’s another movie coming to stores that’s like the Making of Jason or something, I don’t know. But he said he’s interviewed a bunch and he explains how he got jason to wear the goalie mask (my uncle is a goalie) and when they were doing the casting they didn’t even have a mask idea so they went without until he got that. if anyone sees it, he’s the one that looks like me but 35 years older, and no beard.

He always told us that but I was always… unsure. Maybe it is legit, I’ll have to pick up the movie.

Anybody actually go and see it? I had intentions to but then I got busy.

i just saw this on friday, better than i thought it’d be. typical friday the 13th jumps and gore.

i saw it in the ghetto.

my gf and i were the only white people.
best movie viewing experience ever.

the movie was good, i liked it. def. better than most.
:tspry: some good titties and deaths.

p.s. black guy beats up jason only to be axed in the back from 50 yards at full sprint which upset the chimps(too soon?) at the theater

I saw it last week. wasnt bad. I must say it was much better than I had expected it to be. The gore was good. lots of titties. :tup: