yes it's true

That really does suck. My Thunderbird almost fell off the lift when I was changing oil once and I was underneath it. I almost shit a brick.

That really sucks Eric. That car was definitelty unique, I’ll miss the stares it got on the street and hearing it a mile away from my house lol.

I hear yesterday while I was out with Green…sorry to hear. :frowning:

Interested to know who did it and how it happend.


Details? pics?

Both in school at UTI in my first semester, and even my training at Sears they tell you to do this.
Raise it up a little, shake it around and see what happens and make sure it’s stable…

I understand where you are coming from, but stuff does happen. Like I said, mine almost fell off Hybrid’s lift & I checked it everytime. Jay & I were doing the headers & they were on/off about 25-30 times. The truck needed set down all the way every time to access the 2 header bolts on each side. It was when it was down all the way (when the suspension became loaded again) it would push the 2 2x8" “risers” off to one side or the other, which in turn moved the truck about 1/2" each time (of course Jay or I did not notice this - the risers were needed because the truck is too low to get the lift arms under it.). The lift was always contacting the frame of the truck & still had weight on it. All that really happened in my case was that the lift arm moved over & the truck became flexed on the lift. I set it back down immediately and corrected the issue. It still scared the shit out of Jay & I, though. Before/after this, every time the truck was lifted, I gave it the shake test & it always passed.

So shit does happen, no matter how careful you are.

Eric, sorry about your car & I hope everything works out.

the only pic i got off him doesn’t say a lot. but door needs painted needs a new fender and the floor is f up

doesn’t sound as bad as originally thought

that sucks i always check any car i lift atleast 3 times and do the shake test once the wheels level the ground

Damn ur killing my old car:reloading when i sold it to u u said u were going to take care of it

Damn that sucks ass.

you and Jeff picking it up today?