yes it's true

the pumpkin fell off the lift. with new motor trans k member installed:crying:

Dude! That sucks! HTF did that happen?

whoa! what happend???

i dont know and dont want to know, i am going down to md to bring thew shell home.

that sucks. I’d be sick. The SS almost fell off Hybrid’s lift (my fault). I was sick then, but it did not damage anything.

That’s terrible dude, I’d be sooooooooo mad.


is someone paying for dammage?

bad karma for not picking up my headers like you said.

damn that sucks eric…any pics ?

Sorry to hear about it, man. What kind of damage you looking at?

thats like an athlete gettin hurt in the locker room… :frowning:


that sucks man. i guess this another reason not to be rt 8 king???

just playin. i guess they are takin care of all the things to get it goin again???


That sux man, fill us in with some details when you get a chance…

wow that sucks so bad sorry to hear…someone gonna pay for it?

Jeff told me about this today. Definitely sucks, I just don’t understand how these things happen. Everytime I put my car on the lift I raise it a little and do the shake test. It just seems like common sense to me that you triple check the stability of a few thousand pound car that could crush you in a second.

If you can’t put a car on a lift you shouldn’t be working on them, sorry about your luck Eric.

Shit, sorry to hear about that. Any pics of the damage? Look at it this way…at least no one was hurt…it could’ve been a LOT worse.

That sucks. Sorry to hear.