Best $600 I've ever spent

For those of you who don’t read my build thread; I bought myself a birthday present last week. Something I’ve always wanted and always assumed I would have to own a house a have a lot more money before I would be able to afford it:


scrap metal taking up space?

the scissor lift???

did anyone click for the video? Yes, the scissor lift.

-removed the image to prevent further confusion. lol

looks dangerous

looks awesomely dangerous. I’d be happy if i got to use that for a few year before it failed and chopped me in half or something

dont sit under it! nice pick up though! your back will thank you!

this thread got me thinking… :slight_smile:

It can’t really fail. Other than the car falling off it its pretty much fool proof. The clank you hear is a solid piece of bar-stock that hops over solid 2 inch thick “stops”. That bar and blocks prevent the lift from lowering even if the other components fail.

The metal it’s made out of is about three times the thickness of the frame rails on the sol and its rated to lift 3 tons. My car weighs less than one ton right now. :number1

That’s sick. Where’d you get it? It would make working on the Datsun and doing maint on the Saab cake.

but it looks very narrow and seems like the car could easily fall to either side if you were to cough on it wrong.

I don’t know what else to say other than, nope. It’s not that narrow and its very stable.

so when its all jacked up, u can rock the car and it stays solid? doesnt get shaky ?

looks awesome but i’de have to really try to rock the car to see how solid and how well planted it is on that lift

good price for a lift tho !!

fair enough… still a nice pickup either way. I would probably throw some stands under it if you are gonna be underneath it.

With the base plate bolted into the concrete there is no rocking or lateral movement at all. Even before it was minimal, really just the flex in the baseplate. The thing is heavy enough and well designed enough to be stable.


Nice pick up BTW Im sure it has some sort of safety latch correct? Wouldnt be too hard to make one if it didnt have one.

nice pick up. I’m impatiently waiting to buy land and build myself a garage with a lift.