Small, movable, half-assed car lifts

Has anyone used a lift like this? Is it safe for light work (S2000) like changing oil, exhausts, etc?

I don’t have space for a full size man pants lift, thats why I am asking about this bitch ass lift.

I use Pad style lifts similar to this all day at work. They go up higher than this. But they work ok for oil changes. I don’t recall ever putting my S2000 on one but I think u will be ok. As far as changing exhausts go, I’m not sure if you will be able to. Most cars we put on pad lifts, the exhaust is usually hitting the lift in one or more spots.

Just got mine plumbed up last night.

Yeah, decent enough for that type of work. Get some safety stands if you plan to do serious work under them(dropping motors and stuff). And my recommendation would be to anchor the bases regardless whether it needs to be or not.

Remember, you’re the one that’s going to be under it if it comes crashing down

We have one at the big shop back home. Anchor it down to the floor and it should be fine. I’ve used ours for countless tire rotations, oil changes, suspension work, etc…

Ill have to look into them more. Ideally I’d like it movable so I can store it out of the way. I don’t really trust any lift lol, I’m paranoid haha.

check out the max jack, it stores away and goes up 4’ high as well

Take a look at my build thread I posted a video.

For a small space, ceiling, and budget you can’t beat the low rise scissor lift.

what model? i like the lack of a cross bar on your lift

Same. :rofl

Bendpak p6b 2150$

I helped a coworker put one of these in (maybe a sister brand)

He has a 2 bay garage and didn’t want to ruin both bays with just one lift especially when he only needs it for a big job maybe ~3 or 4 times a year.

Roll it upto a spot, put the bolts into the ground where you set up the anchors, do your job and then roll them away.

I think the scissor lift style I bought has the upper hand over these two. (That’s why I bought it) its priced similarly though the max jax is$200 more)

Thats not a bad idea either.
I think there were a few on display at the lake George car show, I’ll check them out if they have them there again. Ive lived without it this long I guess I can wait a few months longer lol