Recommend me a good in floor, flush mount car lift

I have been doing a lot of looking around and thought i finally settled on a lift. i picked out an ever-external EE-6503 flush mount floor scissor lift after reading some really good reviews on the net. Turns out, i’m having one hell of a time actually trying to buy one, since then come from china.

I though about getting a floor sitting bend-pak but they have the cross bars and i really dislike those, it would make dropping a tranny or engine difficult. I have a buddy in the concrete business so installion is not a problem with a flush sitting lift.

Pretty much what i’m looking for is a scissor lift that i can mount flush in the floor, one lift on each side of the car, and is capable of lifting 6500lb max (a little less may be okay, as long as it can lift a full size truck occasionally).


I’m about to buy a Bendpak P-6B

It doesn’t have the cross bars like you mentioned and can mount flush in the floor. Only drawback might be the 26" lift height, but It will work for everything I need. I don’t have to stand under it.

that’s just not high enough for what i’d like

This is what i’m currently looking at, would work great for my garage now, as i only have a 9’ ceiling. i just don’t know if i should go with something full size that way i have it when i move in a couple years, thoughts?
only thing i would do is make it more permadent and mouint the controls to the wall

So your looking for a 2 post lift? My girls dad got one last year, shipped for 2300 I believe. It’s had many full size trucks, boats and cars without any issues. I believe it might be to high for you tho. I’ll measure tmrw, I think it’s 10’…

I measured my garage today and I have 9’2" to the ceiling, but I’m thinking I should go full size because I can easily fit 10’ and the post can sit up into the rafters, if you get that I’m saying.

mohawk makes a scissor lift… or a 2 post. jussayin.

mohawk is 7500 for their scissor, i have a friend who works for total tool. I think i’m gonna end up with a 2 post, i’d like to keep it under 2500

Dont get me wrong mohawk makes awesome lifts, but unless i bought one used they are just out of my budget

we might have a lift for sale here at work let me ask my boss its a mohawk

i hooked wayne up with his lift and he left with a lift and having to fix oppies tail gate haha :slight_smile: ill send u pics and let you know what my boss says

Found a pretty cool forum AND how to order the lift i origionally wanted!!!