Who works at Paddock ?

I heard a certain truck fell off the lift today and was totalled. Anyone get hurt ?


in cuz i wanna know too… mikes98rt?

The truck belonged to my co-worker’s husband. Just wanted to hear the other side. He’s picking up his new truck tonight. Not sure of any of the details.

No one hurt.Guess the safety pin/cable broke off of one the arms.
Tech was John Gorman (sp)

No one hurt, guy gets a new truck, insurance probably picking up the tab. Sounds like it worked out pretty well considering.

haha beat me to it! pics coming…

ok heres what happened. the lifts at PChev are very old. PChev is cheap and does nothing to maintain the lifts. The lift that Goreman uses is particularly old and ‘shitty.’ so he had said Trailblazer on the lift, and one of the pins that locks the arms in broke, and down went the truck. damage is pretty bad, but no one was hurt. now for the pics:


cool, get pics uP!! wanna see!


cool, get pics uP!! wanna see!


uhhh.? they r up right above u!!! wow thats craazy…

Lucky no one was under there! Bet they start maintaining their lifts now.

That sucks. I love being able to use a lift, but always fear the possibility of my car falling off it or it landing on someone.

Watch, they get all new lifts in the shop.

Fucking dealerships =Satan

Way to look out for your employees by maintaining your lifts :bloated:

And you wonder why service at most dealerships is so shitty :roll:

wow im surprised there wasnt more damage considering a truck that size fell from about 6 feet in the air, but good thing no one was hurt.

Besides getting a new truck in place of a truck that was being repaired in the first place isnt the worst thing in the world

word on the streets is he got a new 08 EXT cab.

holy shit… glad nobody was hurt. seeing shit like that always makes me nervous about getting under lifts

I remember years back a camaro fell off the lifts at monroe in derby and continued to roll back into a truck in the parking lot.


word on the streets is he got a new 08 EXT cab.


ill see what i can find out.

fuck paddock.

thats funny, im doing an internship at paddock and thats the lift ive been working with lol


thats funny, im doing an internship at paddock and thats the lift ive been working with lol


really??? who are you? are you the dude that walks around with the green coveralls on all the time? anyway, im in QuickLube Tuesday Friday and Saturday, stop down and introduce yourself sometime lol

hahah yeah thats me! half the time in standing around doing jack shit because the tech i work with is doing something else