My car fell off its stands

So yea, you all know I have been doing the tranny swap and I had the
front of the car on two jack stands.

Well I was working down there and the thing started to make weird noises.

Well my mom came into the garage to watch what I was doing and just as
I got out one of the jack stands gave way.

The thing just gave out and one side of my car fell off the jack stands.
And my mom got scared she said "you’re movin’ with your uncle and
auntie in Bel-Air. I whistled for a cab and when it came near the license
plate said “fresh” and had dice in the mirror, if anything I could say this
cab was rare but I though now forget it, yo home to Bel-Air



I pulled up to a house about 7 or 8 and said to the cabbie “Yo Homes, smell ya later”. I looked at my kingdom, I was finaly there, to sit on my throne, as the Prince of BelAir.

No shit man, are you serious?

That happened to a friend of mine with his '91 CRX wit a b16 and cut coils. The only difference was, he was under it!!! Luckily for him, his TV was broken so his wife heard a bang. She got the neighbor to get him out, and of coarse he didn’t know how to use a jack. Finally the Ambulance showed up and they got him out.

He would have been dead if his head didn’t go between the header and the firewall.

I’m glad you are OK Gonad. That is scary stuff!!!

How is the car?

Yeah that happened to me once… I was under my car that was being held up by two jackstands and the hydraulic jack. I started to drop the tranny out and I guess it was loud cause your sister came in and started saying something about I shouldn’t be under the car, so I came out from under the car and as I was moving out my foot hit the jackstand and then your sister pulled me out all the way and took my pants off and then we had hot steamy sex right there on the floor.

-35238907/10 :jerkit:

i would have to nominate gonad for the longest ongoing clutch job ive seen to date. :lol:

Did it roll off the stands or did they go through part of the car?

Hahahaha! Ouch man…that story’s credibility (and taste I might add!) just kept diminishing by the minute. :wink:

Gonad, I thought you kept wheels under your car as backup? I saw that in one of your pics, i’m doing that from now on as well.

you should put bricks under the car just in case


Jesus! (LOL)


yo you best be thankin jesus…

and was uncle phil mad at you? hehe

Roflmao, i’m in tears.

that was awesome.

Glad to hear you can still type Gonad.

P.S. especially the bold part :roll:

forget about you

hows the car?

forget about him and the car.

How was his sister??? lmao

Oh shit man thats brutal. Same thing happened to my uncle, only it somehow rolled off the stands and the tire landed flat on his hand. It absolutely crushed his hand, needed surgery obviously. His hand was shatterred, needed to go through therapy to get it working again. Even now he doesnt have 100% use of it. I take whatever i can and throw it underneath to preven shit from falling on me. Everytime i go under the car my parents ask me, “your going under the car”? I leave the stands on, make sure the wheels cant move, i even leave the jack under as precaution even if i dont need it. You can never be too safe, good thing ur alright man.

Well after it fell off the stand I managed to get out and get in the house.

My mom was bitching at me all day and finally told me to get to bed
because I had to be up at school the early next morning. Well I had a
bruise on my arm and I went to bed and then woke up next morning late,
and thought I was gonna be late for school, but it’s alright cause I’m
saved by the bell If the teacher pops a test I know I’m a mess. And my
dog ate all my homework last night. Ridin low in my chair she won’t know
that I’m there If I can hand it in tomorrw it’ll be alright It’s
alright 'cause I’m saved by the bell.

Ok, now that one, I would be embarassed to reveal to people that you know all of the words.

If I could laugh any louder or longer, I would have. GoNad HAS A CRUSH ON AC SLATER!