Safty First People!! aka JACKSTANDS.

Zeb, A friend of mine for quite some time now, and a customer for about 2 years as well.

Actually My Landord for the shop, is His Aunt. and His Father is my Legal Representative.

Zeb Died Sunday morning when a car he was working on fell on top of him.

I dont know much of the details, but I believe that his brother Jesse, who i’ve known since 6th grade (17yrs) found him under the car.

Just posting to find more details, and to let ya’ll know, Safty 1st.

Zeb and his GF had a little boy about 9 months ago, and he has a daughter (9yrs old??)

Ive seen too many ppl working on cars with out jack stands, without securing, and stabilizing the vehicle before crawling under, shit happens so fast.
No matter what your going under for, no matter how quick and easy it will be, spend a minute and make sure shes steady on the jack, AND stands.

Zeb, was very familiar with cars, and was always working, and wrenching on something, I think this was more routine maintenance than anything on this car, which as far as i know was not even his own

He was very passionate about building s-10 Blazers, and actually spent many hours at the shop with me working on something or another, whether it was his cars or mine own, or just helping me keep up the shop.
He was always a great helping hand.

Zeb will be missed…



sorry to hear

Damn, condolences to his family. That’s sad. And it’s a good reminder for everyone here. I know I tend not to use jackstands, even tho I have a perfectly good set.

it’s a shame to see another wrencher fall… my condolsences…

I became religious about jackstands when a friend’s dad showed me his scars from when a car fell on him in the 70’s he was lucky, the frame rail only crushed a few ribs and sandwiched him as the jack lost pressure, and his friend raised the car as he screamed…

sorry to hear about your loss.

so sad for the family

Sorry to hear.

I know I always use stands…and if I have a wheel off I put it underneath just in case.

Sorry to hear about your loss.

omg… he was a cousin of mine.

thats sad to hear!!! prayers to him and his family!

I always feel more comfortable working on lifted Jeeps that I don’t have to jack up. Sorry to hear about your loss.

Jackstands are there for a reason, always have to use them. I’ve had a close call before where I didn’t use a jackstand, luckily I felt the truck moving and I wasn’t under it yet.

Just so so sad, especially since he was a big fan of the s10 blazers, they are my favorite too.

Sorry to hear about your buddy. Very sad and unfortunate. Thoughts and prayers are with family and friends.

Im real soory for his Family and young son.

My father was 26 when he died, and I was 10, this poor kid will never get to know his dad at all. its just a shame that somthing so simple and could have been prevented. thats all.

sorry to hear
safety first no matter how small the job is

wow thats sad…sorry to hear

I always put jack stands underneath follwed by the wheels under the rockers n a jack on one side of the car, u can NEVER be too carefull!

Bless his family…