Who needs a hoist when you got...

… a 4x4 Piece of wood. :lol: :lol: :lol:


That guy has some serious balls, or is just plain stupid.

My mom works in a hospital.

A guy showed up in emerg two days ago, he was working on his car and somehow it slipped off the jack. Lost the use of one of his legs.

Whenever I work under my car I use 2 safety sands and leave the jack in place … That is some scary shit!

I do the same.

That guy is “just plain stupid”

Not to meantion he’s welding. Repairing a rusty frame? What a combo!

How did he tilt the thing over in the first place?

I’m gonna need to invest in a set of some heavy duty stands. Don’t think
those Canadian Tire 2-tone stands are gonna cut it for too long. :shock:

I don’t think that photo is for real. The angle of the 2x4’s on the ground doesn’t seem right. Maybe he has tied up somewhere on the passenger side. Ah well

I do think its real, the 4x4 would just grip on its edge, but it would slip so easy if it was touched.



it was not an insult to the race, just stupid as in stupidity to do such a life-threatening thing… and poor as in cannot afford a proper jack or stand, or knows where to buy one…

My bad…

The board of trustees are reviewing this case and your stentence will be announced shortly. Start packing. :wavey:

Why would you assume that he is Mexican? Because he is poor and stupid?

Of course not man, im poor, and stupid to in ways, i said mexican because thats just where i figured it was taken place by the looks of it…
There was no racism intended…Sorry

I’m indian. I guess i’m poor, smelly, and love to overpopulate right? :x

Nope. Im indian to thanks… Mic Mac if your curious

I think you mean Native.

Marc is a brown skin man, not red skin man.