Redneck Lift *pics*

Do attempt this at home

Tires still on the ground…

you couldnt pay me to get under that car

dear lord

on a side not, reminds me of jenga

hopefully thats just to show off his suspension travel

that has to be the sketchest jack stand i have ever seen. but coming form a redneck small town i understand

not only is that sketchy lol, but the jack isnt even on the ground, lol its on a god damn ramp you drive onto lol

phht. that’s nothing. He’s still on solid ground! I’ve jacked a car up on stacked 2x4 planks in the mud! Yeeehaw!

heeh…talk about lift :stuck_out_tongue:

that’s safer than the ladder to the left of the vehicle hahaha

Even if it falls…its nothing that could be fatal

haha those are loft ladders… you see them in old houses all the time to get up to either the loft or attic.

they bend like that so when it flips back up into the roof it can fold and stay out of the way.

my grandparents house had one of those.


gonad uses that setup when he works on his car.