Yo, new here

Hey I’m Jim a drive a civic, I live in the north towns. I"m new here so i’ll say hi. Most of you seem pretty cool. Hey

Year? Mods? hatch? sedan?



:wave: howdy

Just a 99 ex coupe. Nothing special. Would love to do a swap sometime but i’m kinda broke.

Welcome :slight_smile:

welcome :wave:

Welcome, hopefully your car doesn’t ALSO have a face on the front of it.

howdy doody



I’ll get this out of the way…
do you have a sister?
If yes, pics of said sister?


Yo, welcome civicjim.

Your saying like there is something wrong for a car to have a face or character?

I pulling my race card out.

what card is that :gotme: im black as hell


Notice, you just joined up on the site … IN JUNE.

You have absolutely no right to talk down to noobs. In the majority of members eyes here, you are a piece of shit. Don’t forget it.




You’ve been here all of 32 days. :confused:

lol, F’ing N00Bs

Oh that swedish chef and his antics