You are white trash, trans am video



haha wow i was trying to figure out what was going on hahaha

what the hell did i just watch lol


I think they hit that house? haha

This video hurt my ears! lol WTF people r retarded

LOL I <3 that noise


makes me lose faith in people…

that’s bad.

wtf was that. poor Toronado. Sigh. Some people should be banned from certain types of vehicles due to their ability to stain the brand.

Ummmm… Yea.

that noise is going in a new dictator song

wow, lmao

I like it.


That was terribly awesome. :eekdance:

crazy ahaha

that looks like speedped’s dad’s car. I wouldnt doubt it.

Studderin, i love your sig pic, nasty :tup: