You guys are gonna love this one

“Yo dawg, ur gazz door is on da roof…”


thats effing disgustinly dumb looking. worst looking civic ive ever seen…HA AND ITS AUTO

He tells how big his stereo is on the “super wide body” but he fails to mention tire width.

Question i sent to seller (shits & giggles):

Your ebay description lists the car as a manual trans, yet in all of the pictures it is automatic. Please clarify. Nice body work By The Way, that’s alot of man hours.

I want to kill people now, thanks

anytime :slight_smile:

Swallowing the puke…Ok I’m good now.

Wow. That sucks.

Is it just me or does the midgate spoiler look remarkably like a popped collar?



im crying that is horrible


:bloated: :hang: :bloated: Wow…

imagine stepping out of that car and having to step over those side skirts that stick out 2 feet from the actual body…if i owned that car, not only would i have ended myself by now, but i would have def cracked those skirts off.

and wtf…hes spend thousands on the exterior, but not one major engine mod, interior mod, and his system is shit.

oh well, it could be worse…he could have altezzas…

I’m shocked that he doesn’t actually.

imagine if he stepped out and had a bitches aint shit tattoo on…ohh wait wrong post…:mamoru:

actually that car has to be the ugliest one ive seen in quite some time, nice tach tho!!!

he seams so happy in this pic … lol

thats prolly cause everybody was laughing at his POS car he entered, and then realised F&F was only a movie and nobody really likes that crap.

actually, sounds like a decent enough guy:

His response:

E-bay automatically put Manual on the discription, couldn’t change the form, in MY description I wrote, I did correct the error. Thanks for appreciating what it takes to do this. it was 6mo. of fun labor, a hobby with my kids, ya know.

So I’m going to guess that the kid in the pic up there is just the ‘fabricators’ kid…?


i hope they learned alot obout fab and will put it to better use next time

