you know its cold out when...

beer kept on your porch is EXPLODING

just the caps of bottles, all the cans seem to be fine

sad… well i guess now we have to drink them. nothing like a cold beer at 1:45 in the afternoon

lol this happened to me last night … i got crazy brain freze off the beers

kinda sucked

its after noon, go for it

The water main on N.Forest near Millersport did pretty much the same thing. On my way back from lunch there was a river running down N. Forest.

If it was a river of beer I’m sure I would have stopped though.

someone say beer?

I don’t know what’s worse. The fact that the beer is exploding, or the fact that you need to wait for the beer to thaw before you can drink it.

Get a spoon then, fggt.

I’m drinking a Heineken slushy right now- not too bad.

i have them sitting in a bucket of lukewarm water

should be good to go in a few minutes

poor beast. im drinking all of his heineken. oh well, i didnt have any other choice :frowning:

first correct use of grammar ever in a sentence?

His mother wrote it for him.

its what he would have wanted.

When I was home for Christmas I put a case of Guinness on the porch and had a few freeze on me :frowning:

Speaking of Guinness, can it be had warm? It tastes like cold coffee to me…

dude, i wouldnt go telling people you store your beer on the porch. too many theives.:snky:


Unopened cans of beer are risk-free, too!

Yeah it is damn cold out. Sux to learn the hard way that beer doesn’t like it either.

i left my gatorade in my car last nite

def an ice block of beverage this morning :frowning:

The alcohol won’t freeze hence the best time to drink it, you don’t need to drink the water.

The relatively small amount of alcohol in beer will freeze. Frozen —> thawed beer is fucking gross.