You know what really grinds my gears.....

lumberjacks rule

My schools financial aid office

your back hair

when deathbyrt makes a thread complaining about me driving by his house at 2am revving my motor

when jeff uses an axe to chop down a tree instead of his bare hands.

i like to make it difficult and use the axe.

ummmmmm… women?

When people make threads groping about how they think people rev at there car because its nice… not because it sucks… oh wait

When people make a statement about how THEY’RE going to own a pharmacy one day, and can’t even use the correct meaning of THEY’RE in a sentence.

my back hair

People who do not use proper English and people who cannot spell.

wut u mean bye sayin dat mayne?

Driving 25 miles each way to work.

People who think by flashing there high beams at me, that I will move out of there way.

people who think that by following closely behind me with their high beams on it will affect me. Esp. through my 5% tinted rear window :lol

I rev at all shitty cars and/or goofy people that I see.

What pisses me off, is people who don’t understand the right of way rule.

On my way to werk today, this jerkoff in a PT Cruiser was at the corner of Waterman and Consaul. He was there first, so by rule he goes. I wait, traffic clears, and he just sits there. So I said fuck it, I started to go, and all of a sudden (this was after like 5 seconds of waiting with no cars going by btw) he decides to gun it and try to hit me or something. I was mid-release with the clutch (I gave it more gas so I could scoot across), so I just DUMPED it and floored it past him. Unfortunately I’m on stock mounts again, so my car just power hopped horribly across Consaul, bad enough to rip my GPS from my windshield and end up in the back seat. My rearview mirror also moved way away from it’s setting. ha

This, and overly-cautious drivers. I was behind some moron in a Corolla who kept braking every 100 yards or so. I was in the right lane on Central behind a car going 45, waiting for him to go by. He just sits at my drivers door, and then speeds up, and slows again. He then got in the turning lane a good 500 feet before the Waterman intersection, appearing like he was going to turn onto the street before. I signal, and he’s going like 5mph in the turning lane creeping forward. The second fucking time I was blocked in by this guy. So I just scooted past him and slipped into the turning lane in front of him. :facepalm

Whoever the fuck keeps driving by my house and laying on the horn. Seriously motherfucker, golf balls are next.

I used to get kind of pissed at people like that, now I just pull up next to them and stare at them in awe and then shake my head once they notice, their reaction is much funnayz.

Also, this shit happens like 20% of the time when I’m trying to leave my development, it’s either a teenybopper who just got their license, a granny, or a clueless housewife who sits 3" from the steering wheel and looks PETRIFIED to be driving:

They’ll literally sit there until I flash my high beams 9 times or until I honk my horn, then they wave at me gratefully like I just did them a huge favor. You have the right of wayyyy zzzzzzzzooommmmmmgggggggg

That i have been on hold with the jacksonville FL dmv trying to pay my speeding tickets from last fucking year and i’ve been holding for an hour and 22 minutes.

when even 5’s cant give me the TIME OF FUCKING DAY haha