You know what really grinds my gears...

:wtf::rant:people that slam my cars’ doors. wtf. :bloated:
and dont get pissy when i say “whoaaaaa, eeeasy.”:nono:
fuggin dont get in my car then if you dont know how to get out like a civil human being, its not an 89 corsica.
:shoot::ham::tdown:get bent fggts

my gf ALWAYS does this

It really pisses me off

get bent

trunks too.

[10:03] mrpaulo77: i do hate that
[10:03] mrpaulo77: esp when they close the trunk
[10:04] mrpaulo77: NO ONE knows how to close a ttrunk without pile driving it apparently


that really waxes my turtle

really chaps my ass

that really greases my pig

really wrangles my steer

really steams my clams

that really fucks my brother’s wife’s cousin

really molests my inner child

:bigclap: Everyone is looking at my funny because I actually did lol.

Fuck. I’m lol’ing. :lol:

Does it really matter? I have never seen any damage on a vehicle because a door was closed too hard.

Fuckin’ import garbage, can’t even close the doors like a man with ‘em brakin’.

i accidently my trunk the other day and i gave myself a :picard:


BSflag you slammed that shit with authority!