Thank you scum bags

I must say it is very top notch of the fucking asshole that tried to break into my grandmother’s neon last night. Thank you for being a fucking idiot and trying to pry the door open which only fucked up her door which now will not seal right now with the weather stripping.

Was it really worth fucking up a 70 year olds neon to try and steal $1.50 in change from her car? The sad part is she is the kind of lady that would give you her last $1.50 she had left in her name to someone who needed it you fucking asshole.

/rant off

ugh eff that

Kill them with a spork

or make them do this


Your welcome by the way.

that sucks. Sorry to hear

yep, some people can be worthless…

Sucks to hear.

I always leave my car doors unlocked, no matter what car, where I am. If I was stupid enough to leave something valuable in plain sight inside my car, it’s gonna get stolen one way or another. At least by leaving the door unlocked my car shouldn’t get that fucked up.

When are we going to do a bait car and send a few skuzzballs to jail with a fat lip and a black eye?

that’s shitty man :tdown:


You pay insurance for a reason.

ah you’d like the think that is the case. But in my old n/a shadow i had an aftermarket stereo. Both doors totally unlocked at all times due to the purchase price of $600. I come outside only to see the little sail window on the drivers side broken out of it and the stereo gone with btoh doors still unlocked. God bless the retarded thief who did that shit. Most expensive little window on the car.

Ugh that would be annoying, and I’d use insurance to fix it. :smiley:

this kinda thing always pisses me off to a whole new level…sorry to hear man.


Find them and do this:


x1000000000000000000000000000000000. what a waste of fucking space.

When i lived in downtown niagara falls. (30th)
the neighbor was a Niagara county sherrif.
Left the doors open on his car, a crackhead smashed out the window and took a powerdrill.

god elmwood is notorious for this… any change in your car homeless will like smash a window to get some change… or cigs

how much was the damage

this has been happening more and more lately, people like that suck ass, last summer i got 1k of stereo stuff taken from my car and nothing was ever found, it sucks, sorry to hear!